Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 30...Elias' Soccer Game

     We went to Sara’s at about 8:30 a.m. this morning so we could ride with her to Eli’s soccer game at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek.  This is the 2nd year he has played soccer.  His team this year is called The Avengers.  The names were already picked for each team before the season started.  They haven’t gotten their uniforms yet so we don’t know what colors they are.  The opposing team wore gray pinnies and Eli’s team wore black pinnies.  I checked the spelling for “the colorful practice shirt, bib or vest (a pinny) that players wear when a drill or activity calls for the players to be broken up into teams”.  To me the colors were too close to each other.  It was hard to distinguish between the two teams.

     Both teams played hard.  It was the second game of the year so they need more practice with basics and working together as a team.  Here the teams practice together once a week during the 9-10 week season.  They also play almost every Saturday at either 9, 10 or 11 o’clock.

     The referee was very good about talking to each child in a low, calm voice.  I was impressed with his manner. 

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