Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 4...Frederica River to Cattle Pen Creek

   I couldn’t connect to the Internet last night so here is the Day 4 information.  

 MONDAY,  APRIL 2, 2012

     Gary and I rested comfortably for most of the night in the anchorage near St. Simons.  We pulled up the anchor about 7:25 a.m. and started our slow journey northward.  We’ll still be traveling in Georgia for at least one more day.  With the current against us most of the day, we were only able to make about 5 mph.
     Around the Doboy Sound we encounter the Intracoastal cruise ship Independence.  It looked like it had made a stop at Sapelo Island. It takes a skilled Captain to maneuver such a large ship (maybe 200 feet long) in such tight quarters. It headed north in front of us at a much higher rate of speed than we can manage. 

Intracoastal cruise ship Independence

     As we continued, we bumped across Sapelo Sound with about 3 foot waves on our stern.  I took a few pictures to show the waves but as usual they never look the same in pictures.  We rolled much more than on the 42’ sailboat we previously owned, but the crossing was very manageable. 


     I spent most of my day using a decorative ropework design called French whipping to cover a piece of a old deck chair that Gary is going to make into the arm of our pilothouse seat.  I will hopefully finish it soon.  A more immediate need is for holeless screens so I am going to continue mending our door screens tomorrow.  What is so bad is that no matter how many holes I fix, the sand gnats are so tiny that they can just come through the mesh in the screens.

The cord is actually black not gray.

     We stopped for the night in an anchorage called Cattle Pen Creek at 3:48 p.m.  (When the time is precise, I looked at a clock, but when it isn’t I’m taking a close guess.) It’ll be fine for the night. (I spoke too soon since the bugs had not come out yet.) The anchorage is pretty narrow and really, really, really buggy.  We are just the life of the party.  We’re going to eat, read, rest fight off the MILLIONS of sand gnats (That’s what we’ve always called them, but they have other names in other areas.) that have arrived and try to watch Dancing with the Stars on TV if we can find the correct channel.         We traveled almost 8 ½ hours today covering 48.1 miles.

Sunset from the buggy anchorage

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