Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 29...Elias at School

FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2012
     Gary, Sara, Cara and I went to Eli's school for Running Day this morning.  Of course, I walked instead of running.  All of the second grades at Luxford Elementary go out to the track each Friday at 10:25 and run or walk the track for at least 45 minutes.  They are divided into 4 groups and are given a colored dot for each lap they finish by the teacher in charge of their group.  Each of us earned 4 red dots from our supervising teacher for the 4 laps we completed. 
     Then we took lunch to Eli and ate with him in the cafeteria.  Cafeterias are all pretty much the same.  I felt right at home.  
     I forgot my camera, but we are planning to repeat the walking and lunch next Friday so I will take my camera then.  

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