Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Days 24, 25 & 26...Norfolk, Virginia

SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2012
      Now that we’re here, we’ll concentrate on enjoying our visit with our Brian, Sara, Eli and Cara.  I am not going to write anything except for a few sentences unless we do some touristy trip or unless we do something interesting.  Sunday it rained almost all day long.  We had about 2.5 inches of rain in the area.  It was a cold, wet and dreary day with a high of 53 degrees.  Needless to say it was a good day to stay inside.  I worked to catch up with the blog, read and just enjoyed talking to everyone.  Gary, Sara and Eli played a Disney version of Monopoly.  

MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2012
     Gary and I went to buy some groceries, a car CD player (So Gary can listen to Yanni.) and new long pants for both of us. The weather has been colder than we expected for a longer period of time.  We brought a few changes of warm clothes but needed more since we can’t always get to a laundry when we need one.  It was another yucky day.  I used the inside time to wash all of the dirty clothes we had accumulated.  I owe Sara $1.75 for each of 3 washer loads and the same for drying 3 loads.  I bet she’ll let me charge the cost or take it out in trade for dinner. 

     Unlike the last two days, today started out sunny.  It would’ve been warmer if the wind hadn’t been blowing so hard.  Gary had to do some chores around the boat today and Sara had some things to do also so we decided to stay at the boat.  I did some financial stuff that irritated me enough to give me a headache.  Gary took the alternator off the motor so we can take it to be rebuilt tomorrow.  Some of the gauges are not working correctly so we’ll see if fixing the alternator will correct the problems.   We took a walk over to the fuel dock to get out after being cooped up inside for the last two days because of the rain.  Here are a few pictures of the marina.

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