Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 11...Santee River to Hazzard Marine, Georgetown, South Carolina


     We woke up early in the exposed anchorage after a restless night.  The wind slapped waves up against the bow of the boat all night long.  Guess where our bed is.  Yep, right there in the bow.  Well,  last night Gary slept (tried to sleep) in the salon.   My bed of choice was the pilothouse seat.  Any place to get away from all that noise.
     As you can see, we were anchored right by a crab trap.  The crabber came to check his traps bright and early this morning.  They work very hard.  We killed some time watching them before we pulled anchor at 7:50.  We were in no hurry to get started since we were only going a short distance today. We are still tired from the long day yesterday.

   As we entered the Intraoastal from the river, there were 4 or 5 dolphins playing in the channel.  We couldn’t believe it when one of them came over and rode our tug’s bow wake.  Of course, it was too fast to take a picture.  Dolphins are much too quick for me.  This was the first dolphin that has ever traveled with us even for such a little time.  

The Winyah Bay was rough today. Sara (our younger daughter) gave us a brightly colored metal sailboat windchime after we bought our 35.5’ sailboat.  We’ve hung it in each of our boats.   You can tell how hard we are pounding by how many times the windchime rings. The noise didn’t stop for the entire time it took us to cross the bay.  

     Gary estimated the waves were 3 feet breaking on the top.  The spray would go over the top of the boat as we crashed into the waves.  Gary got to use his windshield wipers.  Here are more pictures to try to show these waves. 

     The waves calmed down as we entered Sampit River in front of Georgetown, S.C.  We stopped at Hazzard Marine for two nights.  Gary needs to do some work on the boat and I must do a load of clothes.  We rested today after the hard day yesterday.  We are looking forward to a peaceful night tonight tied to the dock.  More about Georgetown tomorrow.
     We pounded 18 miles in a little less than 3 hours. 

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