Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 14...Osprey Marina to Calabash Creek


     It was a crisp, cold morning as we prepared to leave Osprey Marina.  I had a complimentary cup of coffee and we said goodbye to Richard.  Gary took Traveller out of the slip with no trouble at all. 
     We were told that further north it was more populated.  We found that to be true.  Here are only a few of the houses we saw during the day (OK so I like to take pictures of  houses, but I did a better job of reducing the number today.).

This one is for our granddaughters.
     We had to have the Socastee Bridge open because its clearance is only 11 feet.  It was the first bridge we needed to open since the Ortega Bridge on the first day.

      Right after the bridge there were several ducks just swimming along minding their own business.   Gary told me not to talk to him because he was concentrating so he wouldn’t hit any ducks.  The one directly in front of us cheated by flying away much faster that we were motoring.
     Just before Barefoot Landing Marina in Myrtle Beach, there were two medium-sized fish jumping out of the water in tandem.  It looked like they had synchronized their jumps to leap at exactly the same time.  Gary told me to step away from the camera since there was no way I am quick enough to snap the picture.
     There were two gondolas crossing from one side of the water to the other.  I found out that they were crossing the waterway to take golfers to and from a golf course.  Google  “gondolas at Myrtle Beach, S.C.” to see a video if you’re interested.

     We were slower today with a lot of No Wake Zones.  We traveled 32 miles in 6 hours and 8 minutes. We anchored in Calabash Creek at about 2:50.   This is the best and pretty much the only anchorage in the area.  Since we arrived, six sailboats have come to anchor with us so far.  I guess this Traveller is an anchor-magnet too. 
Four on one side and then later two on the other

     Two casino boats have passed by in the Intracoastal while we have been watching.  
One of the casino boats


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