Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 87...Oswego, NY to Kingston, Ontario, Canada

SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2012
      Yesterday we started researching the weather.  It looks like the weather will be getting worse Monday and not getting better for about a week so we better go today.  We found ourselves waiting at the Oswego, New York Lock 8 wall last night with two boats we had met before, BETTY L. and JOY RIDE.  It was nice talking to them about boat stuff.  This picture is of JOY RIDE and TRAVELLER at the wall before the others arrived.
     We started out headed to Lock 8(10 feet, rope and cable) with four other boats at 7:00 a.m.  This was the most boats we had ever locked through with.  There were five boats in all.  Three were over 40 feet, one about 38 feet and us at 30 feet.  We were in the lock from 7:05 a.m. until 7:25 a.m.  The lock operator Perry was very nice.  On the way out the channel, we passed a nice lighthouse.  It was a great ending to the USA for a while.
        We really rolled out in Lake Ontario.  We were going to travel north about 50 miles in this deep lake for about the same time as we did when we went to the Bahamas.  I was going to catch up on the blog on the way.  Hah!!  I ended up holding on again like I did when we went around New Jersey.  No time for anything else.  Gary had the bright idea to take a picture out of the front windows so you can see how tilted the boat was during one of those really rolling waves.  The foot is bracing so I don't fall in the floor.
     It was easier later when the wind clocked around from northwest to west to southwest to make the waves come more from the stern.  The first Canadian land we saw was Duck Island (on the left) and Yorkshire Island (on the right).  Gary set a course across the lake to come out at a green marker called K9.  Here it is.  Gary was right on course.
     We traveled up the Saint Lawrence River on the way to our marina at the mouth of the Cataraqui River.  We tied up in H47 at the Flora MacDonald Confederation Basin Marina in Kingston, Ontario at 3:45 p.m.  Look who was there to greet us.  We traveled 58 miles in 8 hours and 45 minutes.  We have traveled a total of 1724 miles so far.
     The captain of the boat has to go in alone and clear Customs.  It only took him about 5 minutes.  He was disappointed that they didn't even ask him for our passport numbers.  After he checked us into the marina, it started to rain on and off the rest of the day and night.  We will take more pictures of the marina and Kingston tomorrow.  Here is a picture out of our stern door.
      I guess you can tell we have Internet.  I will do what I can while we're here because I don't know when I'll be able to publish again.

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