Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 68...Norrie Marina to Schodack Creek anchorage

     We got up and did a few chores before leaving the marina at 8:15 a.m. 

     The scenery was beautiful as usual but it was too overcast for any good pictures most of the time.  You can see the Catskill Mountains in the haze.  
     The Rip Van Winkle Bridge looked very interesting.  See what you can find out about it.
     You never knew what to expect next.  We saw a brick chimney right by the water and a couple of white spots in a tree.  Those white spots turned out to be an eagle.  Gary has such sharp eyes.  The second picture is blurry because it was so far away, but I wanted you to see the eagle.  Even if you make the first one larger, I’m not sure you can really tell it’s an eagle.  
     I had read so many good things about Athens, NY so we decided to stop at the free dock.  Well, there was a bigger boat already there parked right in the middle of the 80-foot dock, not leaving enough room for us at either end.  Talk about courteous.  It was a boater from Key Largo, FL.  There are turkeys everywhere.  We went out and anchored so we could dinghy back in.  The town was dead.  Downtown nothing was open except the laundromat. 
     We asked a guy in a car where the main street was and he said, “You’re looking at it.  Don’t blink or you’ll miss it.”  The sidewalks were broken.  I had to be very careful not to fall since everyone knows how graceful I am.  
I saw a pretty house with three shades of purple trim.  
     We had seen a small restaurant right by the park so we had a very nice lunch there.  It was the only game in town.  By the time we got back to the boat it was 3:00 p.m. and the wind had shifted so the anchorage was bumpy.  The current was with us so we decided to keep going.  We went 13 more miles to an anchorage up Schrodack Creek.  

     We traveled 45 miles today in 7 hours and 7 minutes for a total of 1456 miles.  

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