Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 67...Norrie Marina

MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2012
     It is entirely too quiet on the boat.  Everyone left earlier today and we miss them already.  I know they will have fun with Sylvia and Chris’ family.  We’ll get to see them again in 10 days or so.  We’ll just have to miss our goodnight hugs and kisses until then.
     Before they left, we had a lazy day waiting for Sylvia to pick them up.  There were showers on and off all day long.  When it wasn’t raining, it looked like it was going to start any second.  The girls played with their toys and they all played games on whatever their machinery is called.  I won’t even try to tell what their game things are.  OK, so I’m very behind the times as far as electronics is concerned.

     Gary didn’t feel well most of the morning so he rested.  We can’t have him sick.  I’d get us lost.  Maybe not, since we’re in a river and we need to go north.  I’d probably run into a log though.  He seems to feel better now.  I fed him chicken noodle soup for supper.
     The girls walked up to the bathroom with me earlier.  I took some pictures of them scaling a mountain (well a really big rock at least). 
     I also took some photos of their sisterly love on the steps right by the dockmaster’s office.

     Here is a picture of Mount Saint Alphonsus.  We can see it across the river from our slip at the marina.  It was a Redemptorist seminary for 75 years and a retreat for 26 years.  It closed in January of 2012.  They aren't sure what will become of it. 
     These are the stone bathroom building (Don’t even ask about the shower.), Tom the funny dockmaster and the marina.  When we asked if Gary still felt sick tomorrow would it be a problem if we stayed another night?  He said he wasn’t sure since Tuesday was his busy day.  We know he was kidding since he told us yesterday that they were lucky to get one paying customer a day. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Daddy is feeling better. I love the pics of the girls! I can't believe they actually are kinda smiling. You will see them soon. Much love,Sara
