Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 73...Putman Park to Canajoharie, New York

SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2012
     Yesterday when we were walking in the woods, before the bugs attacked us, I cut some little white flowers with spiky leaves.  They seemed to be weeds, but I really liked the flowers.
     Our first lock today is Lock 12(11 feet, rope and pipe). The procedure when approaching a lock is to use the marine radio to call the locktender on Channel 13 to request a "lock through". When the locktender answered us on the radio, we were surprised to hear a woman’s voice.  As we neared Lock 12, we saw a woman and a dog, waiting for us.  See her in the royal blue shirt sitting on the wall on the right.
     When she came by to get our decal number, I asked about her “friend” and also found out her name was Cindy.  She said the dog’s name was Locky (not Lucky).  She said that she had rescued him when some guy had been throwing him into the water near the lock over and over just to see him swim out.  The puppy (at that time) got caught in the current and had to be rescued from the water.  She said the judge wouldn’t give him back to the owner so 10 years ago he became her friend.  She says he comes to work with her to keep her company.  She was a very nice person.  
     Next we came to Lock 13(8 feet, rope and pipe).  They were working on the dam next to the lock so the water was spilling over it near the lock itself instead of away from the dock.
     This made the water right near the lock swirl with a swift current.  Gary did a good job of getting us in without hitting anything.  Boy that water was sure moving fast.  We decided to just catch the ropes since the distance we would rise was only 8 feet.  That gives you a chance to see my handy, dandy purple gloves.  They are good for grabbing the wet, dirty and slimy ropes.
     Interstate 90 runs right by the Erie Canal for a while.  That's how Allison and the kids will get to us later in the week. 
     We arrived at Canajoharie (pronounced Can-a-jo-hairy), New York about 11:45 a.m.  There is a floating dock but little else (such as bathrooms or electricity) right here at the pretty Riverfront Park.  Good thing we brought our own.  This was another place that has not recovered from Irene's floods.  We are going to rest today and explore tomorrow.  There are families out enjoying the sunshine.  Some teenagers are actually jumping in the water.  The water is entirely too cold for me.  The train is on one side, the Interstate is on the other and the bridge is in front of us.  I'm not sure how much sleep we will get.
     We traveled 19.6 miles today in about 3 hours and 23 minutes.  That makes the total miles 1544.

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