Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 82...Ilion Community Marina

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2012
     Today was supposed to be an uneventful catch-up day where we got things done that we (mostly me) had been putting off.  Boy, were we wrong.  Things got exciting fast.  All of a sudden a fire truck came into the marina.  We didn’t know what was happening.  We hadn't smelled smoke.  It backed up the wide, brick walkway parallel to the driveway. 
They put down the stabilizers and started to raise the bucket.  

     We watched as they maneuvered the bucket up to the top of the flagpole.  I asked the fireman on the ground how high the bucket was and he said about 80 feet.  

     Next one of the guys put a huge, gold ball on top of the flagpole.  
     The fireman in the bucket told us that it had fallen off last fall.  I guess they just got around to putting it back.  Three men and a ladder truck equals one replaced gold ball.

     They lowered the bucket, loaded up and drove away.  So much for an uneventful day.
     After they left, I walked around taking pictures of the marina so you could see the sign close to the road, the office with the big yellow medallion on the back and the bathrooms with the swings nearby.
          The gray boat docked in front of the office is a fully restored, original PT boat built at Annapolis, MD in 1945.  It is one of the last ones built during World War II.  It was used in the series McCale's Navy.
       There are also pictures of the restaurant and Ro.  We had some very nice talks.  We even have pink speckled reading glasses that are exactly alike.  She makes an extremely good marinara sauce.   
     The really long log that I showed you earlier this week is getting closer than ever.
     Here is a picture of where we were docked for almost a week.  We have enjoyed the layover, but we are ready to get moving again tomorrow.
     See the water faucet on the tall poles.  Gary says that it is up on the pole so it doesn't freeze.  The valve that stops the water is under the ground.  Lily and I had a very enjoyable discussion about what it could be.  We saw it as a crane, a parrot and a girl with a ponytail.  Do you see what we saw?     

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