Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 80 & 81...Ilion, New York

SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012
     Allison and the girls went walking this morning.  Not very far though since the trail fizzled out fast.

     Not many pictures today.  I think I pictured out over the last few days.  While we were on our trip, I took almost 250 photos.  Gary got Father’s Day wishes from both his girls.  Sara wrote an email and spoke to him on the phone. Allison told him in person.  She was going to take us to the diner for Father’s Day, but when we got to Herkimer we found out the diner was closed for the day.  We all ate at the Dockside Café together.  We had gone to Stewart's to get Adirondack Bear Claw ice cream for dessert.  It was delicious.
     Gary had to go to the Wal-Mart to get some new shorts.  One pair got a hole in the rear and the other one had a big rip under the front pocket because it had rotted away.  He bought two new really bright pairs of shorts.  One pair was khaki and the other was beige.  OK, so they’re not really bright.
      Allison washed clothes and got ready to leave tomorrow.  I rested up after walking for what seemed like forever over the last couple of days.

MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2012
     Today is the day our family leaves us heading south.  We’re going to miss them, but I know they’re ready to go see Sara’s family, Mary & Bruce and then get home to Joel. 
     The kids had a chance to get in some time on the swings near the bathrooms before they left.

     The girls helped their Mama load up the van.
     I got a chance to walk with all my girls before they left.
     They got off to Virginia at about 9:30 a.m.  I'm sure we will talk soon.
     For the last several days, Gary and I have watched a very long (about 45 feet) log between Rickshaw, the big boat behind us, and the dock.  It keeps moving nearer and nearer.  We're leaving soon so hopefully it won't make it to us.
          Gary took the tour of the Remington gun factory in town while I worked on the blog.  He enjoyed it but said I probably wouldn't have been too interested because it was all about machinery.  They wouldn't allow pictures inside the plant and they didn't give out any free samples.  He enjoyed looking at the equipment.

     Ro, the lady at the restaurant, made us a local dish she called chicken riggies with chicken, marinara sauce, peppers, onions and cream over rigatoni.  The rigatoni is where the riggies comes from.  It was good.  Gary had a BLT.  It was good too.

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