Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 83...Ilion, NY to Bellamy Harbor Park, Rome, New York

     We got up and doodled around until about 8:45 a.m.  I took one last hot shower before we said Good-bye to Ilion Community Marina. 
       About 9:45 a.m. we arrived at Lock 19(21 feet, rope and pipe).  It was hard to see the lock because of the bridge right in front of it.   We started to grab 2 slimy ropes, but they were too far apart so at the last minute Gary had to wrap the midship line around the pipe. 
     Lock 20(16 feet, rope) was next.  This lock is the last one that will raise us from the bottom to the top of the lock.  
     Right past Lock 20, we saw triplets.  Three baby tugs that is.  Aren't they cute?

     We arrived at the Bellamy Harbor Park dock in Rome, New York at about 1:45 p.m.  At this point, we have come from sea level at Troy, NY to 420 feet above sea level at Rome, NY.  It's downhill from here.  We traveled for 25 miles in about 4 1/2 hours.  Our total mileage so far is 1598 miles.
     Woods are on the port side, the park is on the starboard side and two larger white boats share the dock, one in front of us and one behind us.
     While we were tied up at the dock, the Nina and the Pinta sped by.  The Nina was gone before Gary could get the camera, but he was able to take a couple of pictures of the Pinta.  Gary estimates that these replica boats were at least 60-70 feet long.

          Joel will be interested in the kayak/canoe launch in front of the boat. 
     After Gary took the picture of the launch, a kayaker came up.  His name was Rich and he let me take pictures while he used the launch.  It's like a kayak slide.
      Near the dock there is a spillway that is in front of the footbridge that crosses the water on the way to the city of Rome.  It was lit at night.

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