Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 59 & 60...Liberty State Park

SUNDAY, MAY 27, 2012
     After yesterday’s walking tour of the park, we decided to stay at home and rest.  That’s exactly what we did.  We lounged around, read and relaxed. Gary did venture off the boat once.  We saw a hotdog truck across from the parking lot so Gary rowed over to get lunch.  He said the guy looked at him like he was crazy when he asked him about slaw.  The frankfurters were really long and skinny.  They weren’t bad, but we’d much rather go to JAG dogs.   
     Sometimes we sit in the pilothouse and watch boat traffic traveling up and down the Hudson River right in front of the entrance to the anchorage.  It sure is a busy place.  There are ferries, powerboats, sailboats, tugs, and even cruise ships.  One big blue ship went by the other day and blew a regular horn and then Gary heard the horn play “When You Wish Upon a Star”.  Guess who owns that cruise ship?  We found out that several cruise lines have trips from New York.  Some go out into the ocean, make a loop and then return.  Here is a cruise ship from a different cruise lines.

     Last night I also took pictures of Lady Liberty and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge from our anchorage.

MONDAY, MAY 28, 2012
      Today we went to the park again to take some more pictures.  The picnic tables under the trees were full of families grilling and enjoying Memorial Day.   
       In the park there were 13 American flags flying with the Statue of Liberty or the Public Administration Building in the background. 
     I also took pictures of the Brooklyn Bridge, Liberty Island and Ellis Island.

     Nearby there is also a 15-foot, 2 ton bronze statue called Liberation by the sculptor Nathan Rapoport.  It depicts a WWII soldier carrying a Holocaust survivor out of a concentration camp.  The statue was officially dedicated in 1985 as a symbol of the strong helping the weak.  My hand was as big as the survivor’s big toe.  On source said 20 feet, but I bet that includes the base.

     While we were there I saw one of those trees that had the huge clumps of white, puffy seeds.  Sorry the picture of the pods before they burst is blurry.  The sun made it hard to see the photo.  I’m not going to fuss about the sun since it looks like rain again tomorrow.  I’ll take rain over fog any day.

     We’ll be glad when the long weekend is over.  It seems like only a few people know what a NO WAKE ZONE is.  We’ve been bounced around all weekend long when most of the boaters and jet skiers make big waves by going too fast very close to our anchored boat.  We don’t understand how they can be so inconsiderate or thoughtless. 

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