Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 53...Ventnor City to Beach Haven Marina, Beach Haven, New Jersey

MONDAY, MAY 21, 2012
     When we went to bed last night there were VERY low lying clouds that didn’t reach all the way to the ground.  They were still there when I checked at 3:30 a.m. but gone by the time we pulled anchor at 6:30 a.m.
     The Intracoastal near Atlantic City is house after house right on the waterway.  Almost all of the houses have boat slips.  Some of the slips were under the houses, some were in front of them and some were beside them.  

     We had to open three bridges in a little over two miles in the Atlantic City area.  Our mast is 16.5 feet high and these bridges were 9 feet, 10 feet and 4 feet (the railroad bridge).  You can see the Atlantic City skyline behind the first bridge.

     We passed extremely close to the huge wind turbines from yesterday.  They were right on the edge of the waterway.  You can see the clouds descending to cover the top of the casino in the background.

     Weather was the word of the day.  We traveled through mostly uninhabited territory with rainclouds building until it started to pour.  
     Then the fog closed in on us.  It got so thick that we anchored by a red marker for a little while.  While we were anchored, a catamaran with what looked like a trawler on top came by us.  Gary said he’s never seen a boat like that.  We noticed it had radar so we quickly pulled anchor and followed it through the fog.  We made sure we followed our chartplotter.  We thought that if he came across another boat we would see him swerve to miss it or slow down.  That would give us time to dodge it too.

     Our plans were go into a marina just to get diesel and a pumpout. The thick fog was making it very hard to follow the markers so we decided to take a slip for the night.  It was raining again so we decided to wait for the fuel and pumpout until tomorrow.  We came into Beach Haven YC Marina where Chris helped us into the slip in the rain.  He offered to let us use his car to go to the grocery store if we needed to.  His girlfriend’s mother owns the place. They live at the end of the dock with two nice dogs and a mean one according to him.  You might know the littlest dog is the mean one.

     We walked around town for a little while in the drizzle.  I will take more pictures tomorrow.  Hopefully it won’t be rainy then.
     We walked to the beach about 5 blocks away.  It didn’t look too rough.  I stood with my back to the ocean and took a picture of one of the streets that goes all the way to the water on the other side of the island. 
     We traveled for 4 hours and 4 minutes and covered 26 miles. Today the fog and shallow water slowed us down.

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