Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 57...Liberty State Park

FRIDAY, MAY 25, 2012
     We are going to be anchored here behind the Statue of Liberty till May 31st so there won’t be too much to report. Gary noticed this family of geese (Is this small a group a gaggle?) just swimming casually along behind the boat.

     Today’s excitement was a man overboard test for the crew of the small catamaran ferry that uses the landing next to the anchorage here. One of the crew drug this life sized dummy down the dock and onto the boat.  I was not fast enough with the camera to get a picture of that so I watched to see what was going to happen next. The catamaran slowly cruised out into the anchorage and threw the unfortunate soul overboard. Of course, they threw him on the side of the boat away from us so we couldn’t see what was going on.  
     Once it looked like they were looping a rope around the dummy’s neck. Then they used a boat hook to pull him out of the water. The next time they practiced the drill, we were able to see the dummy floating in the water before the “rescue”.  See the orange thing in the water to the left of the boat in the picture.  
     At the end of the test, the dummy looked like a victim more then a survivor.  They weren’t very gentle with him as they took him off the boat. 
His feet were bumping all the way up the steps.  Poor guy.

     We rested and read most of the day.  Gary was reading on the pilothouse seat and looked toward the huge windows in the building behind us.  He discovered our reflection in the side of the building.  This was the first day the sun was out enough for us to see TRAVELLER’s image in the bank of windows.


   Gary took the dinghy down and went for an exploratory walk.  His main find was a diner about a block away (lunch tomorrow for sure).  

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