Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 40...Bay Point Marina to Cobbs Creek

TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2012
     We left the slip and pulled around to the fuel dock before 8:00 so we’d be the first ones in line to get diesel before we left Norfolk.  We did take on 30 gallons of fuel for $124.00 @ $4.129 per gallon.  That was the most we have paid per gallon for fuel so far.  Gary estimates that our fuel mileage is 6-7 mpg.   We were finished at the fuel dock by 8:35 a.m. 

     Heading north in the Chesapeake Bay, we rocked and rolled along with waves of 2-3 feet and bigger swells.  Of course here are some hard to see wave pictures again.  The pictures never do them justice.  Also I have thrown in at least one very far away land picture to try to show just how wide the bay is.  It reminds us of crossing the ocean on the way to the Bahamas only in much, much shallower water.


One structure I was able to take recognizable photos of is the Wolf Trap Light.  It is an active caisson lighthouse that was built in 1891.   There is a squared red painted brick tower on an octagonal building that is 52 feet tall.  It was automated in 1971. 

     Tomorrow (Wednesday) is supposed to be a bad weather day with thunderstorms so Gary chose a really protected anchorage WAY up the Piankatank River (I’d like to hear you pronounce that.).   The anchorage at Cobbs Creek had an osprey nest in a box near shore.  The osprey would swoop down into the water and snatch a fish.  Then it would fly over to the box to, I assume, feed the fish to its young.  They did that several times.  Of course with my superior camera skills it took me 8-9 tries to get one decent photograph. 
 The views from the anchorage were nice with houses and plenty of trees.

     Today we traveled 53.1 miles in 7 hours and 22 minutes.  The chartplotter is keeping time for me again.  This includes all the time it took us to get up into the anchorage. 

     On the Chesapeake the anchorages are usually pretty far up creeks or rivers.  It is not like the St. Johns River where you can just pull off to the side and stop for the night.
     The reception for the TV was completely nonexistent and I had one bar on the MiFi so no way to download pictures.  Thus this posting today.  

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