Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 46...Mill Creek #3

MONDAY, MAY 14, 2012
     We decided to stay here today since the weather forecast was not very good for tomorrow.  It was either stay here in an anchorage we were familiar with and liked OR move to one we weren’t familiar with.  It drizzled rain on and off almost all day long.
     We needed some gasoline to use to run the generator so we took the dinghy down and motored to a restaurant just around the bend it the creek.  The Cantler’s Riverside Inn is a perennially voted “Best of the Bay” crabhouse.  When we came in yesterday the free docks at the restaurant were full.  The white roofed section up the steps is the outside eating area.  The gray roofed part below is where they keep the crabs alive in big, shallow water tanks until they cook them.  We decided, since we were there, we might as well eat lunch.  We did the unthinkable and ate cheeseburgers at the crabhouse.  Neither Gary nor I really like to eat crab.  The cheeseburgers were very good. 
     With our bellies and gas can full, we decided to motor up the creek for a while. There were beautiful, enormous homes among the tall trees.  Many of them were up on the cliffs that overlooked the creek.  Look closely at the first house picture and you will see the gray house in the next picture up in the trees on a tall, wooded bluff.  


     I even found a couple of lighthouses up the creek.  The little, red-striped one was on a dock piling and the bigger, gray-striped one was on shore.  It was fun just poking around up Mill Creek and back to the anchorage. 

     I was able to get some photos of TRAVELLER at anchor.  I’d like to change the picture on the blog to the more recent one, but I’m not sure how to and I don’t want to mess anything up, so you’re stuck with the old picture for now.

     I worked on the blog on and off during the day since it was so dreary.  We read and just relaxed.  The two days going into Solomons and passing Annapolis were hectic.  Gary had to dodge numerous crab trap buoys, powerboats and sailboats.  We had said we were going to bypass these congested places on the weekends but simply could not due to the weather.  We had to go with the weather.
     It was a very peaceful evening until KERTHUMP!!!!!! again.  It sounded like the rower.  We looked out and sure enough, there he was again.  We couldn’t believe he had hit us with his oar two days in a row.  Oh, the tales we have to tell.  We told him we hoped to leave in the morning (since the radar was looking better) so he should be OK to row here tomorrow.
     I tried to watch TV but it kept fading in and out as we swung on the anchor.  We had another great night at anchor in Mill Creek #3.   
     This is a playhouse we could see from our anchorage.  I thought the girls (Lily, Olivia and Cara) would like seeing it close up.  It looks like a Daddy needs to finish it for his kids.


  1. I can't believe he hit you again. HAHA

    Cara says " xjtghk ukkytky nj tti io tub iu ui uj5 tj." It says "I love you Grandma. I love you too Peepaw."

    She really likes the playhouse too.

  2. That guy relly needs some glasses.
