Thursday, September 6, 2012

Days 126-127...Ventnor City to Utsch's Marina, Cape May, New Jersey

     I have no idea why I get such beautiful pictures of the moon and sunrise from the Ventnor City anchorage, but just look at these pictures.
     We got up early this morning and left the anchorage at 5:45 a.m. to try to catch the higher tide and better current since the water in this area is so shallow.  That really wasn’t any trouble since we went to bed so early last night because of the before daylight start yesterday.  We were going against the tide at 5 mph until we got to Little Egg Harbor Inlet (Do you wonder where they come up with those names?) where we started zooming at 8.8 mph with the current.  The view was mostly the same as yesterday with a lot of marsh grass.
     We did come to those cute houses built out over the water that reminded me of Louisiana.  I couldn’t resist taking their pictures again.
     I did see rental jet skis right out in the water.  Gary said they bring the customers to the jet skis.  I'm not sure why they do that but I thought it was different.
     We kept right on chugging along until we made it to Utsch's Marina.  We traveled 45 miles in 7 hours.  We have traveled a total of 2600 miles so far.  I asked the girl who checked us in if I could have soap instead of the wine.  I got two extra bars for our daughters.  I'm very happy about that.  They smell so good.  Now I can check the soap off of my list of things to do on the way back home.

     We are staying one more day to do all the boat chores and walk around town one more time.  We went to the same place for breakfast and ate scrapple again.  Gary's Grandma's was so much better.  The waitresses this time seemed careless and unconcerned.  What a difference a few months makes.
     After breakfast I went to wash our enormous pile of dirty clothes.  I took my book and read in the marina's air-conditioned laundry while they were washing and drying.  While I was doing that, Gary washed the outside of the boat, cleaned the bilge, checked the oil, did some engine room maintenance and all those other things he needed to do before going out into the open water.  MMMM, I know who had the better job.
     We waited until it cooled down to walk to town.  We went to a place called Stewart's Icecream.  I guess I learned another lesson there.  Always ask the price of something if you are in doubt.  Two cones were over $10.00.  Never again.
     Of course, I took more house pictures on the way back to the marina.  The pink house had a nameplate on it that was special.
     We were walking along minding our own business and almost got bonked on the head by an apple.  There was an apple tree right by the sidewalk in the middle of town.  Do you think there could've been an apple orchard there at one time?
    We had an early night because we have another predaylight start planned for tomorrow.  We have to go up the Delaware Bay.  Cape May was one place I wouldn't mind visiting again but in a car next time. 

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