Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 131...Mill Creek #2 to Bay Point Marina, Little Creek, Virginia

     We had another decision to make.  Remember how we have to go really far off the Chesapeake to get into the anchorages.  We calculated that we would save two days, 20 miles and 4 hours travel time if we just went directly to Little Creek.  We decided to go for it.  We couldn’t wait to get off the Chesapeake.  It has not been nice to us.  We left the anchorage at 6:10 a.m.  It took us about an hour to get out into the bay.  Only ripples on the water so far.
     It started raining about 6:55 a.m.  We are so glad we don’t have an open cockpit like we did on the sailboat.  We can travel in the rain and not get wet.  In the sailboat we’d have been soaked by now.  We love our windshield wipers.
     I did take a picture of Point No Point Lighthouse that was too far away last time. 
     It was overcast and rainy on and off all day long.  It was bouncy and choppy at times.  TRAVELLER took everything the Chesapeake dished out and kept chugging along.  More spray from the waves splashed over the cockpit roof.
     We saw a Navy hovercraft zooming along out in that mess.  Can't believe I took a picture of something so fast, can you?  The LCAT even talked to us when we got really close to the marina to tell us he would be coming in soon. 
     We could see the tiny lights of Little Creek from at least 10 miles out.  As we got closer and closer, the waves calmed down. It was hard to distinguish one set of lights from another. Thankfully we had the chartplotter to guide us in.  Gary could tell which way to go since we’d already spent a couple of weeks there on the way up.
     We tied up to the fuel dock at 10:06 p.m.  We traveled for 103 miles in almost 16 hours.  Our total mileage now is 2889 miles.  We were so glad to be there.  We were going to spend the night at the dock and check in tomorrow.  Can’t wait to see Sara’s family.

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