Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 130...Mill Creek #3 to Mill Creek #2 at Solomons Island

     We had a decision to make.  Should we rest up or keep going today?  We decided to keep going so we would get off the Chesapeake sooner.  We got up and out at 6:10 a.m.
     As we left the anchorage, we could hardly see the Chesapeake Bridge in the haze.  It was cloudy all day.  At first we could see the land but pretty soon we couldn’t see anything except water on either side of the boat.
     The waves were nowhere near the size that they were yesterday, but they were still the biggest one-foot waves we’ve seen.  Today we rolled along with the waves instead of banging into them.
     After we used the free pumpout and got fuel, we stopped at the Solomons' Mill Creek anchorage for the night .  We traveled 53 miles today in 6 hours and 5 minutes compared to the 57 miles in 10 hours and 42 minutes of yesterday.  Our total miles so far are 2785 miles.
     The man that sold us the fuel told us about a casual, little restaurant that was just around the corner.  He said it had good, reasonably priced food.  Just our kind of place.  We took the dinghy down and motored around the corner.  I don’t know how anybody finds the place because there is no sign on the water.  We had to look for the big, blue-hulled steel boat at the end of the dock.  My fish was delicious.  The lady that owns the place was very nice.  We had an enjoyable meal.
     On the way back I couldn’t resist taking a few pictures of TRAVELLER at anchor.
     We kept seeing what I thought was an osprey flying all around the trees behind us.  I tried to take a picture.  As you can see, at first I didn’t get the osprey in the picture at all.  
     Then I was able to take its picture.  Then I saw another osprey almost directly over the first one.  Both ospreys were almost directly one above the other.  The second osprey looks like he’s about to take off.  I was extremely lucky to take both pictures.
     The sunset was especially breathtaking.  

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