Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 124...Mantoloking Bridge to Beach Haven, NJ

TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2012
     We left the anchorage at 6:26 a.m. and went under the Mantoloking Bridge soon after. 
     We couldn’t believe all of the boats out yesterday.  We were wondering if we had missed a new Monday holiday since we've been gone.  This sailboat flying its spinnaker was the first boat we saw after getting underway.
     OK, so I know I took a picture of the Bay Shore Bridge on the way up, but I just like the way the two bridges look together.
     Passed Ocean City again.  I don’t remember this orange palm tree on the way up.  I’ll have to go look at my old pictures to see if it was there then.
     Here are a lot of little sailboats for rent.  Long Island, New Jersey has a lot of tourist towns on it.  It is tourist season now so we are seeing people get the last fun out of the summer before the kids have to head back to school. 
     We made it to Beach Haven Marina about 12:30 p.m. after an uneventful day on the water.  We like uneventful since it means nothing went wrong.  Getting there early gave us the rest of the day to walk around.  We traveled 6 hours and one minute according to the chartplotter.  We went 39 miles and have covered a total of 2532 miles so far.
     While we were walking to the grocery store, we saw another interesting bicycle.  On this one Mom was doing all of the work.
     Now for my first disappointment.  NO pineapple pie or chicken potpie.  I was devastated.  The manager said that I could get the chicken potpie if I came back Thursday (We were only going to stay one day.).  The pineapple pie was a lost cause since they had revised their take out selections.  I guess I’ll have to try to recreate the pineapple pie myself when we get home and cook the potpie at Sara's.
     There were tourists all over the place.  The town was nothing like the last time we were there.  The pace of Beach Haven had ramped up 100%.  It was not the relaxed little place with nothing open like before.  Even the cost of the marina was more since we were “in season” now.  I liked the "sleepy" town of Beach Haven much better.
     Here is a picture of the lights of Atlantic City at night from our stern deck.  We'll go by there tomorrow.

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