Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 128...Cape May, NJ to Chesapeake City, Maryland

     We got up extremely early for most people but simply early for us so we could catch the tide.  We left our slip at 5:35a.m.  We had our running lights on as usual so other boaters could see us in the predawn light.
      We traveled in the Cape May Canal for about 30 minutes until we got to the Ferry Terminal just before we went out into the Delaware Bay.
     The sun came up between the clouds about an hour after we left the marina. 
     The rest of the long, long, long trip was very uneventful.  Just the way we like to cross wide-open water.  There were only small waves that were easy to handle.  We were moving along at around 10.5 mph.  Looks like we timed the current right this time.  Since we were so far from shore the only interesting things to take a picture of again were the Skip John Shoal Light and this sailboat going north.  
     The boat traffic picked up as we approached the entrance to the C & D Canal.  Most of the boats were smallish pleasure craft taking advantage of Saturday on the water although some fishermen were also zipping around.  I took a picture of one of the last bridges before we got to Chesapeake City to show all the boat traffic.  Once we got closer, I noticed that they were painting the bridge a very bright shade of bluish purple...maybe periwinkle.
     We recognized the buildings and the lighthouse as we made our way into the Chesapeake City anchorage.  We had traveled 72 miles in 8 hours and 46 minutes thanks to the current.  We are now up to a total of 2674 miles.  We'll be in bed pretty soon after such an early morning start. 

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