Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 129...Chesapeake City to Mill Creek near Annapolis, MD

     Today was an absolutely awful day.  We got up before dawn at 5:45 a.m.  We wanted to catch the current again. 
     We traveled from Chesapeake City through the C & D Canal to where it opens up into the Elk River.  
     Quite a bit of the time we had to travel in the channel because of all of the fishnets that kept us from taking shortcuts.
     The waves weren’t too bad until we made it out into the Chesapeake Bay.  Have we mentioned how much we hate traveling on the Chesapeake?  We bounced and bounced and bounced for hours.  We were miserable.  All we could do was hold on.  We’d be going along and fall off one wave into a hole and then run into the next wave.  We were taking waves over the bow that were splashing over top of the pilothouse roof.  I don’t even want to talk about the trip because it was so bad.  It seemed like it took forever since we had to slow down because of the horribly rough water. 
     We finally zigzagged our way into Mill Creek (where the rower hit us TWICE).  We were exhausted after going only 57 miles in almost 11 hours.  We have gone 2731 miles so far.  Tonight we will need to go to bed early.

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