Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 61 & 62...Liberty State Park

 TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2012
     We needed gasoline to run the generator and outboard motor so Gary had to walk to get a few gallons.  Gary said, “Just tell them I walked a couple of miles into a shady neighborhood in the snow uphill both ways.”  His sense of humor is one thing that attracted me to him almost 45 years ago.  Here he comes paddling back.

The geese are out again today in the semi-rough water.

     Gary saw the Queen Mary II leaving the harbor.  On June 5, 2012, all three of the Oueen ships will meet in Southampton to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.  There is a lot of information regarding these ships on the Internet. 

     Thunderstorms were forecast for last night so we moved TRAVELLER out a little further into the anchorage away from the bulkhead in case we drug anchor.  Sometimes when an anchor is set a certain way if there is strong wind that turns you another way the anchor could break loose and the boat could move.  There was rain but luckily not very much wind. 
     As we got into the dingy, so Gary could paddle us over to the dock at the boat ramp, he said that I should hold on until he makes sure the oar works.  Every time we start off using the motor on the dinghy, someone has to hold on to the boat to make sure the motor will start before we move away from the boat.
      Today we went to the park to see if we could find a mailbox.  I asked the guy in the park office if there was one and he said no.  Then he offered to put the postcards in their mail.  It was very nice of him.  He has always been helpful if I’ve had questions.
     We decided to try a cheeseburger at the diner for lunch.  Our waitress last time was Kaitlyn and this time our waitress was Missy.  Those were easy names for us to remember since we have family members with the same names. The food was pretty good.
      On the way back to the marina we saw the Geese Police (from the walkway along the Hudson the other day) again.  This time he and his dog were on the road that runs beside the boat ramp.   He had his dog on a leash so it couldn’t catch the goose, but it did chase it away from the road and toward the water.  The geese policeman said that he had just chased the goose family back to the water a little while ago.  
Gary rows, rows, rows (rows sounds better than paddles) us back to the boat.

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