Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 48...Chesapeake City to Utsch's Marina, Cape May, New Jersey

     We had a plan when we got ready to leave the anchorage at 6:30 a.m. this morning.  The weather was supposed to be unfavorable with SW winds at 10-15 mph gusting to 20 mph and seas of 2-3 feet.  We were going just to Delaware City to wait out the weather before crossing the Delaware Bay, give Gary a chance to change the fuel filters, top the tank up with fuel and take much needed “use all the hot water you want” showers.  Well, you know what they say about plans.
      We got to the end of the C&D Canal and the water was glass.  Where were the 2-3 foot seas?  We just couldn’t pass up the lake in front of us, so instead of turning to port to head for Delaware City, we turned to starboard to head to Cape May, New Jersey.  
At first it was a little hazy, but not so bad that we couldn’t see what was in front of us.  
Of course we saw the usual lighthouses and car carriers.  

     This car carrier was really moving,  out there in the open bay.  Gary estimated his swells that we rolled over to be at least 10 feet high.
     The current switched from against us, to with us for a long time, to against us at the end. The day was pretty uneventful until about 2 miles offshore the motor started sounding funny (My technical term.  Gary said bogging down.).  Gary said to shut it off and we kinda drifted around for about 5 minutes so he could drain some water out of the fuel filter.  He got it started again and we babied it the rest of the way to the marina.
     Approaching the breakwater we saw many houses lining the bay.  

     There were houses on one side of the New Jersey ICW that we entered and woods on the other for a while. 

     I had called Utsch’s Marina in Cape May earlier in the day and had made reservations.  We were following a sailboat around to the entrance and they disappeared.  You can see why.  The entrance to the marina takes a 90-degree turn just before the lighthouse on the wall.  
     We went down until we pulled in to Slip 6 in front of the bait shop.  This was going to be our home for the next couple of days.  I thought I had taken a picture of TRAVELLER in the slip and the marina but I guess I didn’t.  We'll have to stay there on our way home and take pictures then.
     When I checked in, Debbie in the office said that Utsch is pronounced like Dutch without the D.  That really helped me.  She was very nice and helpful.  Everyone that stays there gets a goodie bag with wine (Our wine was cranberry.  I'm going to wait and make Allison try it first.), biscotti, homemade soap (Our soap was pear.  It smells so good.) and a few other things.  Look at the key they gave us for the bathrooms and card for opening the laundry.  I had to put down a $150.00 (Yes, one hundred and fifty dollar) deposit in case we lost it.  The lighthouse was at least a foot tall so we only lost it once in Gary's shower bag.

     Gary changed the fuel filters and bled the air out of the system.  It started and ran for a few minutes but quit. He worked on it for a little longer with no success.  He needed to think about the problem and take a hot shower, so he’ll work on the motor tomorrow.  
     By that time our neighbors got back to their boat.  We talked to the two really nice guys and ended up going out to eat at Lucky Bones with them.  Another great place for a burger.

     After supper we were exhausted, so we turned in fairly early.
     We traveled for 9 hours and 31 minutes covering 72 miles.  We have gone a total of 1157 miles.    

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