Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 54...Beach Haven, NJ

TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012
    Well, look at the picture and tell me what the weather looked like this morning.  
      Yep, you’re right it was really cloudy.  If I had taken the picture earlier, you couldn’t have seen anything because of the fog. So….we decided to stay here at least one more day and night.
      The marina is on Long Beach Island with Little Egg Harbor and Barnegat Bay on the inside and the Atlantic Ocean about 5 or 6 blocks away on the other side of the island.  It is early in the season for everything in this beach community to be open all week.  I think more businesses will be open after Memorial Day.  
     We ate breakfast at Fred's Beach Haven Diner this morning.  It's the blue roofed building on the left.   
     We walked around town some more.  It is always nice to get off the boat and walk around when we can.  We would’ve gone into the NJ Maritime Museum, BUT it was closed until Wednesday.  See the decorated clam out front.   
And we would have gone to the Long Beach Historical Association Museum, BUT it was closed for the season.  
We did find decorated clams in the park across the street.  I liked the mermaids better.
We thought about eating at Holiday Snack Bar, BUT it wasn’t open yet either.  
     Murphy’s Marketplace was open.  If you’re ever in Beach Haven, NJ and you need to go to the grocery store,  as you leave the marina walk to the red lights one block past the orange watertank and look for the green roof on the left. It was a very nice grocery store right on the “Boulevard”.  

That’s what a really nice man called the main drag when he told us how to get to the post office in the old bank building. 
There are many shops and restaurants on Long Beach Boulevard that runs almost the whole length of the island.
See the Tiki benches

      We went back to the boat so Gary could fill up with diesel.  We’ll use the pumpout before we leave in the morning.  The weather report looks OK for tomorrow so we want to get to an anchorage just before we go out into the ocean and spend the night.  We will try to go the 24 miles in the ocean to New York Harbor on Thursday if the weather holds.  
     We decided to walk toward the northern end of the island to see what was there.  We found Bay Village and Schooner's Wharf where I took a picture from across the street so it's not very good.  The two masted schooner is supposed to be 120 feet long.  This attraction was designed and built in 1965 as a 19th century replica of a waterfront village. 

On the way to an early supper we also passed a small amusement park called Fantasy Island.
Neither one of these tourist attractions was open yet.

The place where we ate had a unique map of New Jersey made out of license plates.  The table was covered with ads.  You didn't know Gary made bicycles too, did you?
The sun just came out.  We are excited.  This is the first time we've seen the sun since Cape May several days ago.


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