Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 51 & 52...Ocean City, NJ to anchorage at Ventnor City, New Jersey

SATURDAY, MAY 19, 2012
     We left the anchorage by the bridge at 7:30 a.m.  That is later than usual, but we waited for the tide and sun to rise.  It is hard to see the shape of the markers if the sun is in your eyes.  We did see a channel marker ahead and couldn’t tell what shape it was.  As we got closer, we saw it was a triangular shaped red marker with a bird’s nest on top.  It is extremely important to go around the correct side of each marker or we’ll be visiting the birds on the sandbar.

     The scenery was much the same as yesterday. There were big barrels marking NO WAKE ZONES all over the place yesterday and today.  These areas make the days longer since we have to go slower. 
     Really the only significant difference today were the wind turbines in the distance before we turned into this really narrow section of the ICW.

     The Intracoastal makes a hard port turn in Ventnor City, New Jersey. If you make an equally hard starboard turn, you will enter the anchorage in the Ventnor City basin.  There are houses on one side and marsh on the other.

     We did have a family of ducks (a daddy, a mommie and a baby) swim around the front of the boat. 
     We traveled for 10 miles in 1 hour and 51 minutes.  There were shallow spots and NO WAKE ZONES to slow us down.

SUNDAY, MAY 20, 2012
     We decided to stay in the anchorage one more day and night.  It is a dismal looking day with winds running about 30 mph.  We have about 70 miles to go in three days, so that is doable.  We are planning to go out in the ocean on Thursday or Friday.
     We’re glad we moved to a better spot last night.  When Gary pulled up the anchor, it looked like it had an old glove on it.  No wonder it was not grabbing very well.   We let out more chain today so we’re sure to stay put.
     When we were at Utsch’s Marina, I had one bar for my Internet signal.  It took me forever to download pictures even after I’ve made them smaller so it’s easier to publish them.  It sometimes took five minutes to post ONE photo.  I am so happy here.  I have four bars.  That has allowed me to catch up with my blog.  It makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something today.  When we get to Canada, I might have trouble publishing too.  Don’t worry if you don’t hear from us for a while.  
     We’re going to have a quiet day while we read, rest and clean up a little.      

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