Sunday, August 12, 2012

Days 116 & 117...Waterford, New York

MONDAY, JULY 23, 2012
     When we came in yesterday, there was a Farmers Market at the Visitor Center.  The vegetables were beautiful.  I bought some of those tiny potatoes and baby cucumbers that we like so much.
     We went to the Clifton Laundromat (You didn’t know Sara owned a laundromat in New York did you?) to wash clothes.  It is very convenient and clean.
     On our way back to the boat, we saw a big, brown dog lying in a bow-front window.  We walked that way on the way back from the laundromat because we had seen him in the window when we were there last time.  Gary took the picture because he is much better at sneaking up on him than I am.  Last time we walked by his house, he barked and barked at us.  This time he was asleep.
     Later in the day we walked to Hannaford supermarket again.  You know I can’t pass up a grocery store.  I took another picture of the park near the bridge.
     I took several pictures of the 5-block red and gray brick walkway featuring a map of the New York Canal System around the Waterford Harbor Visitor Center.

TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2012
     We ate at Don & Paul's again this morning.  It was great as usual.  Here is Annie.  I think I startled her wanting to take her picture.  She was our very hard-working, quick-on-her-feet waitress.  I bet she sleeps very well at night because she is exhausted after her day at work.  She has to do the work of at least two people since the other waitress moves at a turtle's pace.
     We also watched several men trying to get the red tug in front of us started.  They worked for a few hours yesterday and came back this morning to work on it some more.  It really pushed a lot of water when they did get it going because it has no transmission and they have to start it in gear.  They were very friendly.  They complimented Gary on our TRAVELLER.  They didn't use the word cute though.  I think only women describe it that way.
     The rest of the day I worked on the blog while waiting on the FedEx guy with a new MiFi.  Come to find out it was a problem with the coverage area and not the equipment.  We're thinking about doing away with it when we get back and getting a iPad.
     Here's the view from our bow again.  Just think we were just here starting our Triangle Trip on Friday, June 8th.  Now it's almost time to start home.   

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