Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 118...Waterford to Athens, New York

     Well it’s time to start home from our dock at Waterford.  Of course we went to breakfast at Don & Paul’s for the last time on this trip.  We can’t rule out another trip after a couple of years on land.  We might go to the Keys or Bahamas next after Gary gets some land time.  Goodbye Waterford.  It was fun.
     From now on we are retracing our trip up to Waterford.  The posts will not be as long or have as many pictures since we will be covering territory we have already seen and written about.
     We did go through the Troy Lock(16 feet down, pipe) at about 11:00 a.m. Remember the metal dogs we saw at the ball field in Waterford?  They have some now at the lock.  I guess they were having goose problems there too.  These are the last pictures of locks until we get to the Dismal Swamp in August.  
          Here are a few pictures of Albany.  On the way up we saw an egg shaped building there, but I was not fast enough to get a picture.  I was able to get a few pictures of it this time.  I found out that it is actually named The Egg.  It is a performing arts venue that was built between 1966 and 1978.  What you can't see in my pictures is that it sorta perches on a pedestal.  You can Google..."The Egg Building Albany" to see better pictures if you are interested. 

     I did think this grove of trees was picture worthy.  I guess I am longing for the coolness of autumn that these colorful trees remind me of.
          We decided to keep going a little farther and try to stop at Athens at the free dock since the weather was supposed to get rainy later in the day.  We did find it open today so we stopped for the night.  We traveled 39 miles today in 5 hours and 32 minutes.  We have traveled 2322 miles total.

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