Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 119...Athens, NY to Norrie Point Marina

     We left the Athens Dock at 7:20 a.m.  The rain from last night is still beating down, but now that we have an enclosed pilothouse and even a windshield wiper the rain doesn’t bother us. 
     I’m going to apologize for the quality of the photos already.  Since it rained on and off all day, some pictures that I wanted to take are OK and some are not.  It was just a yucky, dreary day weather-wise.  These pictures of the mountains show the dark clouds that were dropping rain on us and then the white clouds around the base of the mountains.
     The scenery today was of houses nestled in the woods
 and trees and more trees on cliffs.
     You can tell why our ride is so bumpy today by looking at this sailboat heeling over in the wind.  I think we counted 9 people on the boat.  I’d hate to have to rescue all of them if they got in trouble out in this wind.
     The wind is against the current causing short waves that make us bump along.  As soon as Gary turns on the windshield wiper to get the spray off the windshield, we hit another wave. 
     The water splashes up on the windshield again and again.  The cycle keeps on going.  Water, wiper, water, wiper on and on.
     The weather doesn't look horrible now, but it was supposed to be extremely bad weather later in the afternoon so we stopped early at Norrie Point Marina again.  We tried to find the best places to stop on the way up so we will be stopping at most of the same places on the way back home.  We traveled 5 hours and 29 minutes covering 32 miles.  Our total mileage now is 2355 miles. 

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