Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 96...Westport to Narrows Lock

     After we went up to take a few pictures and ate lunch at the Country Kitchen that I talked about yesterday, we said goodbye to Westport. 
     We left for our destination of Narrows Lock.  Narrows Lock was installed to raise the level of Upper Rideau Lake.  Gary estimated that the tree covered cliffs were at least 200 feet tall.  
     We traveled through the waters of Upper Rideau Lake until we were in sight of Narrows Lock.  We pulled up on the gray line before the lock to talk to the lockmaster to find out about spending the night.  He suggested the bottom of the lock since the water before the lock gets very rough.  You can see the difference in the picture of the blue boat (Sheena II) by the upper dock and the later picture of the smooth waters of  Big Rideau Lake behind our boat moored by the lower dock.
     We went through Narrows Lock (Lock 35 down 3 feet) and around the dock to the inside to moor for the night. 
     Gary settled us in at the very end because of the weeds so it was a long walk to the bathrooms in the restored blockhouse.

     Gary decided to help Jennifer with the lock gates.  I don’t know if I’ve told you that almost all of the locks on the Rideau are opened and closed manually instead of mechanically like on the Erie.  The workers physically crank the wenches. Sometimes regular people help with turning the wheel.  It’s a touristy thing to do.
     We traveled 5 miles in about an hour.  The total mileage is 1775.  Here is the view from the dock.  See how calm Big Rideau Lake is.
     We had a peaceful night, but when he went to the bathroom the next morning there was a surprise.  The day before we had seen a small trap near one of the small lock houses.  I’m sure they were going to try to catch and relocate a raccoon that was getting into the trash.  That’s not exactly what they caught.  It was a skunk.  
     When the staff got there, Jennifer ended up throwing a raincoat over the cage and taking the skunk close to the woods and releasing it.  I’m sure she did a good job.  She seemed very capable.  You’ll notice there are no pictures.  That’s because I was VERY far away and we were getting ready to leave.  That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.  

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