Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 110...Chambly

TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2012
     We decided to stay another day at Chambly. We were told that today the canal is enjoyed by tourists and more than 7000 pleasure boaters in the summer and ice skaters in the winter.
     We walked into town before we went to the large new supermarket to buy grapes and bread and other essentials. 
     There is a Dairy King Restaurant there that has the cutest table and chairs that look like ice cream cones.  Their fountain also has a turtle and a frog spouting water out of their mouths.  I thought the kids would like to see them. 
     We also went to the library so I could use one of their 4 free computers to let everyone at home know where we were and how we were doing. They were very nice to the non-French speaking Americans.
     Gary walked over to the restored Fort Chambly (It was built between 1709 and 1711.) to see if it was too far for me to walk, but the day was dismal and then rainy. We just never got around to going to see it.
     By the time he got back, we had company by the wall.  Two larger French-Canadian boats joined us for the night.  We have found that one person in the group usually understands and speaks enough English to translate for the rest of them.  My French is limited to Bonjour, Merci and Oui.  They do seem to appreciate you trying.  I always apologize for my horrible Southern French accent. 
     As usual there is a bike path on the other side of the basin.  We saw this daddy riding with his two children.  Gary was the slow one with the camera this time.  The smaller child is in front of the daddy and the older one is riding the bike attached to his bike.  Can you tell the front wheel of the child’s bike is not touching the ground?  The little girl was not letting that stop her.  She was peddling as hard as she could.
     By now the skies have opened up and we are glad to be inside out of the rain.   

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