Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 104...Mosaika

     Before I show you the pictures I took at Mosaika tonight, I want to show you some day and then night pictures of sights we have seen around Ottawa starting with the bridge behind the boat.
     Next is a picture of the Flight of eight Staircase Locks near Parliament Hill from the top.
      And finally pictures of the Centennial Flame near the Parliament Buildings.  The flame was first lit in 1967 to symbolize Canada's unity from sea to sea.  The flame is surrounded by shields of Canada's provinces and territories and by water from a flowing fountain.
     It was time to walk to Parliament Hill to watch the light show.  You know I couldn’t sit on the grass for so long and then get up so we took our lawn chairs to sit in.  By 10:00 p.m. we were with 2000-3000 people sitting on blankets on the grass or sitting in chairs ready to watch the spectacle.  According to the brochure, Mosaika “explores Canada’s physical, historical and cultural landscapes by telling the story of Canada through music, lighting effects and imagery projected onto the Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings”.  Some of the show was in French and even the English parts were sometimes very hard to hear and understand.  The visual effects were sensational.

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