Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 21...The Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City, N.C.


     Gary and I woke up early as usual and doodled around until about 7:30 when we walked to Hardees for breakfast.  By that time it was still yucky looking but had stopped raining.  We were anticipating an extremely dreary day after checking the weather forecast very carefully.
Watch it rain
     It is such a small world.  At Hardees we saw the gentleman Mr. Gus who greeted us at the dock yesterday.  He is such a nice man. More about the town and other stuff tomorrow.  You’ll know why soon.
     When we checked in at the Visitors Bureau yesterday, Susan (Yes, another nice Susan) said that The Museum of the Albemarle was worth a visit.  We decided to visit the museum right before lunch and then go eat hotdogs at a place Susan also recommended.  The museum was only about a block away so it was a very easy walk.
     The building was very large and impressive looking from the outside.  It was just as impressive on the inside. 

     We spent the next 1 ½ to 2 hours enjoying the exhibits.  The museum chronicled the history of the area from 2000 years ago to the present.  It had so many wonderful exhibits that I took over 80 photos and didn’t even scratch the surface.  I chose a sampling to show you.  The museum has a website ( that is very interesting and informative.  You might want to visit their site for more information.
The Discovery Room with activities for kids

An A. B. Wright Shad Boat

One of the hallways with exhibits on both side

A six pound cannon & iron doubloon chest


Mustache cup
China & spoons from 1825-1850


1899 Signboard for boat
Farmall Tractor Model H 1939
Circa 1900 High speed washing machine

Part of a comprehensive Coast Guard exhibit
This one is for the grandkids

   After the museum we read, worked on the boat and rested.  The temperature never got over 58 degrees.  It looked and felt miserable for almost all of the rest of the day.  More about lunch and the town tomorrow.  

The photo theme for today is clothes from the museum.  I apologize ahead of time.  Some of the pictures have reflections in them.  I tried everything to keep them out but could not.  I think you can see them fairly well.
1846 dress

1900 Traveling ensemble & parasol
Her name is "Libby"

1880 Silk taffeta Reception Gown
Child's Velveteen Coat & Bonnett


  1. That is the perfect activity for a rainy day. But, you didn't tell us whether you liked the hot dog place. :)

  2. I didn't even think to comment. So here is my first comment. The museum looked like a fun time. I like all the dresses. It has been great to read all of the things you and Daddy have been doing. Kepp up the good work. Love you both.
