Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 15...Calabash Creek to Carolina Beach State Park, Carolina Beach, N.C.

FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2012
     Friday the 13th was thankfully uneventful. When Gary was watching the SEVEN sailboats that had anchored after us in Calabash Creek leave, he saw what looked like 5 or 6 small deer at the end of the island.  They were too far away for a picture even with my good zoom lens.  While he was waiting, he took pictures of white birds on the shore close to the boat.

     We started out from the anchorage at 8:50 a.m.  We weren’t worried about leaving that late because our plans were to only travel about 30 miles to Southport, N.C.
     I’ve decided to go cold turkey on the house pictures UNLESS there is one that is unusual or extraordinary.  I might start taking pictures of boat names or wind vanes or trees or I don’t know what.   I haven’t decided what will be my new collection of pictures.
     There were a lot of boats behind us today saying, “Traveller, we’d like to pass you on your port.”  Many more didn’t contact us but just came on by.  The only things we passed were a rower and a couple of small fishing boats that were anchored.
     We looked at the tide and decided to push on through the Cape Fear River with the current instead of stopping.  It was wide and long.  This was a good decision.  Since the current was with us, we were moving at anywhere from 7.5 to 9 mph instead of our usual 5 to 5.5 mph.
See the river is wide and long. 
Car ferry


     Just as we exited the river, we came to a small marina at the Carolina Beach State Park in Carolina Beach, N.C.  The rate is very reasonable.  It’s nothing fancy but the docks are good and it is pretty protected.  You should have seen me step off the side of the boat with the midship line ready to stop us.  You’d be proud of me.  I didn’t trip or anything.  
     At the dock we met a nice couple who are closing the Loop in Cincinnatti.  We had talked to them earlier on the Intracoastal (when they passed us of course).  They are Captain John and Carol Sagel on SEAS 2 DAY.  Of course we talked Bahamas and grandchildren.
     We traveled 45 miles in 6 hours and 50 minutes. 
Carolina Beach State Park Office 
Traveller at the dock

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even realize today is the 13th until I read this. Glad you guys had a good travel day. Love all of the pictures!
    Grandkids say hi and they love you!!
