Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 122...Haverstraw Cove to Liberty State Park

SUNDAY, JULY 29, 2012

   Well, we were up at 5:30 a.m.  We went to bed early since there was no TV or Internet.  The sunrise was gorgeous.  We wanted to get an early start to catch the tide so we left at 6:55 a.m. 
     Guess what the weather looks like today.  Yep, you're right.  It's cloudy, cloudy, cloudy.  It looks like it could rain any second.  You can tell how dreary the day is by looking at the pictures.  The scenery was pretty standard for New York until we came to the Palisades.  The Palisades are a line of steep cliffs along the Hudson River.  They rise nearly vertically from the river to approximately 300 feet high and increase gradually in height to 540 feet.  Here's another picture of the scar on the cliffs caused by the 10, 000 pound rockfall from March of 2012.  
     This is a picture of the George Washington Bridge with the New York Skyline in the background.  See all of those black clouds.  We were speeding right along.  We hit 10.6 mph.
     Here are quite a few of the sights we saw as we continued down the river to the Statue of Liberty.  I took pictures of the Intrepid with the Space Shuttle Pavilion on its deck, of a restored sightseeing boat that waked us along with all of the other river traffic and of some of the interesting buildings along the shoreline.

     Hello to the Statue of Liberty again.  Hopefully we'll only be here for a day or so this time.  Today we traveled a yucky 40 miles in 5 hours and 24 minutes.  We have traveled 2444 miles so far.

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