Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 120...Norrie Marina to Pollepel Island

FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2012
     The horrible weather we were expecting yesterday only amounted to rain.  We were lucky.  We left Norrie Park at 7:20 a.m. this morning.  Our plan is to get to Pollepel Island today.  Probably very few good pictures today with the weather as gloomy as it is. 
     Along the Hudson we saw some little "houses" that turned out to be a boathouse and gazebo that belonged to a large house on the hill. 
      Near Poughkeepsie we saw a bridge that Gary identified as a pedestrian bridge over the Hudson.  The dot above the bridge in the first picture is the flagpole in the second picture.  See the little speck on the bridge in the second picture.  That's a bicyclist speeding along the bridge.  I later found out that it is officially called the Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park. The walkway stands 212 feet above the river's surface and is 1.28 miles long, making it the longest, elevated pedestrian bridge in the world.  It was made from a rusting, abandoned underdeck truss railroad bridge built in 1888 and burned in a 1974 fire.
     We saw sailboats racing on the Hudson today.  As you can see there is nowhere near the amount of wind that there was yesterday when I took the picture of the overloaded sailboat. 
     We reached Bannerman Castle early.  As usual we have had to start watching for logs in the water again.  We traveled 29 miles today in 3 hours and 44 minutes.  The current was with us today compared to yesterday when we traveled 32 miles in 5 hours and 29 minutes.  Our total miles now are 2384.
     Before dark we noticed what looked like a kid's ball floating by from our stern to our bow.  We had no idea where it came from.  As it was getting dark there it was again floating back the other way.  No telling where it ended up.
     Here are a couple of pictures from the anchorage at night.


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