Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 93...The Opinicon Resort Hotel & Cottages

     Barbara and Dick told us about a place to eat here that has good home-cooked meals.  Nothing fancy she said.  We walked up to the general store at the resort and found out that they would have a menu at the store later so decided to come back and decide about eating (and see the prices).  The store has a little bit of everything to sell.  
     Outside is a Liars’ Bench.  We sat on it for a little while but couldn’t think of any lies to tell.  Hard to believe, isn't it?
     You know we’re going to eat there since we got such a good recommendation from Dick and Barbara.  I needed a good bath before we got dressed so I put my bathing suit on and headed to the back of the boat.  I had toyed with the idea of swimming, but the freezing (OK, so it’s not freezing but it was really cold.) water temperature really turned me off.  I ended up using the shower Gary had installed on the stern deck.  It has hot and cold running water.  I got Gary to take a picture but did not tell him to take one that makes it look like a tree is growing out of my head.  The shower felt so good.
     On our way to dinner to get to the resort we walked up a lane on the other side of the lock.  When we started up the lane on the left side near one of their cottages was a doe.  It was under an old apple tree munching apples off of the ground.  It stood there eating those apples and completely ignoring us.  We couldn’t believe she was still there when we walked back down after dinner over an hour later.


     After we checked out the menu, we decided to make reservations for 6:00 p.m.  The Opinicon Resort Hotel & Cottages is a very old fashioned place.  It reminds me of the resort in the movie Dirty Dancing but much smaller.  All of the buildings have distinctive colors of mustard yellow with green trim and red accessories.
     The living room has retro décor with an ancient TV in a huge cabinet.  It also has a big black piano in the corner.  The dining room and verandas have different shades of pinkish flowers on the wallpaper with white painted tables and chairs. There are white cloth tablecloths with a real silver sugar bowl, a small silver milk pitcher, a little glass holder for the sweetener and cut glass salt and pepper shakers.  No catsup bottles on the table here.

     The meal was all-inclusive for under $20 for the turkey and dressing that I ordered and the pork loin Gary ordered.  It started with a help yourself salad and fruit bar, then the house appetizer of a small piece of tempura battered cod, homemade rolls and bread, the main course with real mashed potatoes and finally dessert.  It was a very good meal.
     When we got back to the marina we talked to a man who said the magic words for Saturday night.  He said roast beef.  Well in Canada roast beef is prime rib.  Guess where we ate Saturday night. Excellent meal again.
     The Opinicon Resort Hotel does not take credit cards, but they will take a check from the US.  Go figure.  To pay they give you a bill on the waitress’ order pad.  Then you walk over to the store to pay for the meal.  Whatever works for them.  It was a truly enjoyable dining experience.

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