Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 79...Niagara Falls State Park

    When we arrived back in Niagara Fall, NY, we returned to our favorite parking garage.  It was time to use the other three tickets to the attractions we had not seen.  I like the way we were able to break up the visit to the park over two days instead of rush to try to see everything in a single day.
     We decided to go to the Niagara Gorge Discovery Center first.  We were told it was a 15-minute walk, but they didn't take into consideration how slow I am.  On the way there we saw a tree that has interested Allison.  It has berries that look like blackberries.  I googled "blackberry tree" and most of the people seem to think the tree is a mulberry.  What do you think?
     One good thing was that the building was air-conditioned.  It really felt good after our brisk walk.  We watched a movie showing 12,000 years of the Niagara River on the 180 degree multi-screen theater.  It was not very exciting. 
     The rest of the museum contained hands-on exhibits and displays regarding the history of the gorge.  It also had an elevator ride simulation that took you "underground" and described the layers of the earth.  I think the girls enjoyed it because it bumped around as if we were actually moving.  It definitely appealed to younger people.  
     Nearby is the Aquarium of the Niagara.  It is home to more than 1,500 aquatic animals that represent ecosystems ranging from the Great Lakes to coral reefs.  There were also performances by the penguins, sea lions and shark feedings later in the day.  

      There was nothing wrong with either of these attractions, but they appear to be older and a bit tired compared to the Maid of the Mist and Cave of the Wind that we visited yesterday.  There seem to be more people here today.  The lines are longer at those more popular attractions.
     By the time we had finished on that end of the park, we headed back to the Visitor's center to watch the movie, Niagara, Legends of Adventure.  It was the last thing we had paid to do.  
     We just missed the movie, which started every hour on the hour so we ate popcorn and sat on the grass while we waited for the next movie.  While we were lounging on the grass, we watched a man and woman get married with the falls in the background.  That seems to be a very popular thing to do.  Sometimes it is the bride and groom with only the preacher and photographer.  Sometimes you see the females in the wedding party walking through the park in their high-heeled shoes and fancy gowns.  The men with them were dressed in coats and ties.  I also took last minute pictures of Gary with Canada in the background and one of him with the falls in the background.  Then Canada alone.
       We went inside to wait for the movie and were the first ones in line.  As the starting time approached, more and more people gathered behind us.  The advertisement for the movie said "the film takes you from the historic to the heroic in a spectacular recreation of legends and real life".  The 40-minute movie is shown on a 45-foot screen with really loud sound.  No pictures allowed.
      Most of the attractions exited through the gift shops.  That's one way to sell souvenirs.  This sign was on the outside wall of the gift shop as we left the movie.  You might need to enlarge it so you can read the words.
     After the movie Gary, Allison and the kids walked back to Bridal Veil Falls to take a few more pictures before we left.  I'm not sure about the order of the pictures, but I liked the ones they took.
     I waited by the chief, read my book and rested my feet.
     As we left I took one last picture of a beautiful flower.
This picture of Olivia sums up the way all of us felt at the end of the day.  

     We had a very good trip.  I am so glad we were able to enjoy this time together.


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